“Go boldly to God. He desires your prayers and has commanded you to pray. He promises to hear you, not because you are good but because He is good.” – William Tyndale
Oak Grove Baptist Church believes in the power of prayer. God does not need our prayers, but
rather prayer shows our dependency to a Holy, Sovereign God. We are dependent on God
because He is God, and we are not. We are dependent on God to work and move in ways that far
exceed our ability and expectations. We hold true to scriptures such as James 5:13-18 and
Philippians 4:4-7.
Oak Grove Baptist Church begins each Sunday morning worship service with a time of prayer.
During this time of prayer, we do take prayer requests and praises from the congregation. We
believe that a community of believers should share with one another’s burdens as well as share
their praises. We pray for one another, and we also praise with one another. We also welcome
anyone to write their prayer request down and place them in the offering plate. As we gather for
small group Bible study, we pray for one another.
If you need prayer, please free to reach out to us. Our prayer is that God would use this website
for His glory, and we desire for God’s glory to made known in your life. You can reach out to us
for prayer by emailing us at ogbc.codythomas@gmail.com.
We welcome all prayer requests. Once a prayer request is received our desire is to take serious
Jesus’ instructions on prayer in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 6:6-8), “when you pray, go
into your private room, shut your door, and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father
who sees in secret will reward you. When you pray, don’t babble like the Gentiles, since they
imagine they’ll be heard for their many words. Don’t be like them, because your Father knows
the things you need before you ask Him.”
Soli Deo Gloria … Glory to God Alone
“What wings are to a bird, and sails to a ship, so is prayer to the soul.” – Corrie ten Boom