"We believe that children are not the church of tomorrow...they are the church of today."

Oak Grove strives to encourage a love of God’s word by teaching Biblical truths.  Our mission is to help foster a trust in God’s promises and create young believers and followers of Christ.  We seek to lead children to recognize their sinful nature and respond in repentance and faith in God while creating a fun environment for learning and growing.


9:30 AM | Sunday School

Our children's Sunday school is a FUN time of learning the Bible for children. Our teachers aim to create a joyful and safe place for children to learn and encourage each other. We offer two different Sunday school classes for our children:

  • Pre-Kindergarten (Ages 3-5)
  • 1st - 5th Grade

5:00 - 6:30 PM | B.L.A.S.T.

B.L.A.S.T. stands for Believe, Live, and Seek Truth. 

During this time, children gather to play games, eat snacks, worship, and learn who God is and how the Gospel calls us all to live our lives for the glory of God. We use The Gospel Project as our main circulum for B.L.A.S.T.

Throughout the year, we also offer many other events for our family and children. You can find out about those activities over on our Events page.

For more information about our children's ministry, please feel free to email us at
